Εξέλιξη – Ανέλιξη του Σύμπαντος
Εξέλιξη του Σύμπαντος
Classical Big Bang theory and the Standard Model of Cosmology cannot describe the beginning of the Universe, but with various hypothetical theorems they try to explain what happened after the beginning and not “at the moment of the beginning”. The basic question that “comes to the creation table” is the following:
The Β.Β. theory says that in less than the first second of the explosion an initial Universe the size of our solar system had manifested, including the Chemical and Mathematical components and conditions governing our sun and its planetary systems. The question that arises is: “Where are the Laws based in their relationship to the first second of creation of the world? If they exist prior to the “Principle”, the question that arises is whether there is a “Creation Law Arsenal” without Creation prior to their manifestation. But since the Law and the Event of Creation have spontaneous and Mathematically documented proof that they “go together” then the theorem of the “Eternal Principle” and the “Infinite Continuity of Light” arises, the Mathematicality and Geometricity of which also explains the Laws of the Reproduction and Redetermination of everything.
The English astronomer Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) with the collaboration of Hermann Bondi (1919-2005) and Thomas Gold (1920-2004) supported the “Steady State Theory” according to which the Universe, despite the fact that it exhibits a “Phenomenal Expansion” which in its initial manifestation cannot in any legal argument be linked to a BIG BANG, they are currently facing proponents who insist on the concept of “Principle” without taking into account the philosophical accusation: “The Principle of all Authority is that there is no Authority”.
The claim of the American astronomer Edwin Hubble (1889-1953), who used the Hooker telescope at the Wilson Observatory in California and ‘proved’ that the nebulae in the sky were in fact other galaxies, which are constantly moving away from each other to form an expanding Universe, stumbles on the question: “What do we mean by Universe? The galaxies, the sun and stars that make up, say, 5% of the matter in the Universe? The remaining 95%, consisting of cold or dark matter, is expanding along with the Galaxies? Yes or no?”.
And if we ignore Heisenber’s uncertainty principle that “one cannot determine with absolute precision the position and velocity of a particle”, that is, the Microcosm Universe has unknown paths. How is it possible, within the limits of scientific logic, to claim that “The Universe is expanding? What Universe? The one of 5%?” There are an infinite number of questions that arise from the claim of the BIG BANG theory concerning space, time, vacuum, completeness, the relationships of expanding distances, the many centers of expansion that are not connected to a single center that “could” be considered the primordial center from which the BIG BANG emerged…
There are also another large number of questions that arise about the purpose that human existence serves in the scene of creation. Does Nihilism, does it serve Human existence? If there is a BIG BANG, i.e. a Beginning, then, there is an End! If there is an end, a return to Zero, then, there is a radical change in the Knowledge concerning the concepts that unify human existence as an existence of divine origin.
If there is a God, if there is a Creator, if there is Eternity in Creation, what role can the claim that “someday, it will all end” with a BIG BANG play? And what if the values of Morality, Respect, Meritocracy, Competitiveness, Reason, the Struggle for Real Knowledge, for the gain of the super-life, must exist?
Ανέλιξη του Σύμπαντος
Unevolution is, or should be, the intrinsic tendency that the Universe or space has to contract to a degree equal to the degree of evolution. This supports the “steady state” theory. Both Evolution and Unevolution involve scientific considerations whose values must be equivalent for the Universe to exist in perpetuity and maintain its completeness. Before referring to the views created in the Schools of Ancient Greek Grammar from the 6th century B.C. to the 3rd century A.D., we will point out some scientific principles that confirm the Steady State in which Nature, the Earth, our Solar System, our known Universe, operates.
• Anthropic principle is the Principle that states that : The universe is what it is, for the reason that if it were different it would not be what we, humans, see at this moment.
• Law of the weak nuclear force which refers to the second weakest of the four fundamental forces that have a very small radius of action and has an effect on all particles of matter but not on particles that are interaction carriers.
• Law of gravity which relates to the weakest of the four active forces of nature but the broadest in range of activity with weight considered as the force exerted on a body by the Law of Gravity itself and proportional to the mass of the body.
• Law of conservation of energy is the Law of Physics which states that energy cannot be created out of nothing or disappear.
• Law of potential particle. It refers to the particle that can never be detected directly, based on the science of Quantum Physics.
• Law of the Strong Nuclear Force. Refers to the strongest of the four fundamental forces with the smallest radius of action and its involvement in the interaction. In the formation of protons and neutrons it holds back the conarcs, while in the formation of nuclei it holds back protons and neutrons.
• Magnetic field is the field responsible for the existence of magnetic forces. The magnetic and electric fields make up the electromagnetic field.
• A proton is a particle with a positive electric charge. Protons and neutrons make up the nuclei of atoms.
• Dark Matter is Matter in Galaxies and in clusters of Galaxies that we are unable to observe but detect through gravitational effects created by the same. The form of dark matter covers more than 90% of the mass of the Universe.
• Law of stationary state. A state that does not change over time.
We have referred to a very small degree of laws of nature compared to a vast number involving the spontaneous readiness of the physical world or which operates within an eternal pattern of re-creation of every creation so that “being” and “becoming” constitute in perpetuity a continuous transition from Legal Possibility to physical reality.
It is considered impossible to claim that after a BIG BANG, after a “beginning” from nothing to something, that rules and laws such as some of those mentioned at the beginning are created that mediate and engage in a Universe “in a state of Creation”. For a fuller understanding of our understanding of the automatic “ascension” of the world which equates to so-called “evolution” making the world exist as we see it today and from all time, we refer to the following: Empedocles and p. Anaxagoras develop the following theses:
• The source of all forms of Knowledge is the Sensible World, which at its base has Mind!
• The whole of the matter of Everything is constant!
• Matter in the Universe of the Major (Big World) and in the Universe of the Minor (Small World) consists of parts infinitely large and infinitely small.
• Genesis and decay involve the binding and unbinding of these parts.
• In the process from genesis to decay and from decay to genesis, the Law of “The same unto same!” applies. «Τῷ ὁμοίῳ τό ὅμοιον!».
The system of the legal framework, in its original form, exists in the hands of science to this day by the same Leucippus, and he writes: “Nothing is made in vain, but by reason and necessity.” In a Universe of inconceivable perfection and coherence of its ascension nothing is accidental because the Law of Eternity and the Law of Necessity impose the rule of perfection itself. Anaxagoras and Empedocles support the pedestal of Eleatic Ontology. “Nothing is made from Zero and nothing ends at Zero”. Being is anarchic, infinite and qualitatively unchanging.
“There is no genesis and decay as people explain life and death. The union and separation of the elements of matter makes creations indestructible.” “All the substances of the earth and the world relate to elements eternal and unchanging, without motion of their own.”
Anaxagoras seeks through his personal experiences the Principle of Motion and introduces the cosmic realm of Mind. Mind constitutes the universal order. Order as an intellectual force and psychic imposition constitutes the “Kinetic Cause” which has neither beginning nor end, is eternal and in perpetuity is the creative lever of existence of the Universe.
Parmenides claims that “…there are many signs that show us that the Being (the Creator) is unborn and immortal. The Being is a totality, is unmovable and has no end. It never in any past “was” and in any future “will not be”, because now, in every present “moment”, “it is all together” one and has continuity in itself”. And Parmenides in his universal thought continues:
“- And, for what cause should the Being be born? And, from the thing would it grow? Of course, we are not talking about the Non Being, for that, does not exist! And, since it does not exist, nothing can arise from it. But, the Being that exists is Indivisible, has a Substance which has “Continuity” in it and is identified only with itself. The Being is Immovable, it always exists in the same space, as Necessity has defined it. The Being has for its figure a perfect sphere, without beginning and, without end, Indivisible, Immutable, Constant and always identical only with its Self.”
And then comes Zeno, the disciple of Parmenides (490-430 BC) who teaches that “… the Being does not move in space, nor is there space, for if there is, let someone tell us where it is? If space belongs to Being, where could it be? But, if Being, in its entirety, is in Space, then Space must be in another Space, which is impossible. For this reason, Space does not exist.” The concepts of Space, Time and the Kinetic Principle, as established by Zeno, were of serious concern to Aristotle and, in our time, to the theorists of the Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
There are countless examples of the wise Masters of Ancient Greek Grammar who, by seriously dealing with the Principles of Motion, the Creative Principle and Being of the things of the world, came to the conclusion that the Universe never began, never will end, that its scientific explanation is hidden behind its theological substance, that its Evolution and Unevolution are convenient for the investigator but do not explain the investigated, and that future sciences, according to the spiritual preoccupations of the investigators, will constantly claim sometimes that they have discovered the “Principle” and sometimes that “There is no Principle”! But no science of the future will be able to prove experimentally the delimitation of the Infinite, in any sense of the word.