Ego - Superego
“Ego”, is the peculiarity that man has to plunge into the depths of himself, to move the law of Self-diagnosis, Self-destination, Self-confidence, the relationship of his existence with the environment, nature, Space, God and through his thorough research to define himself.
Or in depth of meaning, the profound relationship of our self with the Being, God, enables us to mentally separate ourselves from the world that surrounds us and “live with ourselves”, seeking our union with the divine. The epic teaching of Socrates’ ‘Know thyself’, Socrates’ epic teaching, directs the man of every age to seek his natural origins, to trace the roots of his existence, to identify himself as a member of a social group but also of an individualized and distinct personality, and to touch the generators of the mechanism that connects himself to God himself. In its moral extension the “Ego” is reduced to the norm: “If the struggle for survival became a struggle for coexistence, everyone would survive happily!”
The intrinsic psychic relationship of “ego” coexisting with “We” defines the qualitative part of ourselves as individuals in the whole of society. Freud argues that when human behavior is motivated by unwanted impulses and occult instincts that in turn create pathological representations of human physical needs, then the “I” experiences the fall of its consciousness deflection.
By interpreting the experiential needs of the “Ego” as the need for “basic instincts” we perceive as inviolable the rules of food, water, emptying, sexual intercourse, sexual fulfillment. The self-existent need to maintain life and the constant tendency to pleasure and satisfaction of biological and spiritual requirements determine the qualitative formation of the “I” in its relationship with its family and social environment.
The “Ego” explains the organised part of the personality, when it seeks its improvement through actual knowledge, classical wisdom, science and art, while, on the contrary, the devotion of the “Ego” to self-interest, self-indulgence and the pursuit of individual well-being in purely personal terms, determines the fall of its consciousness of existence.
By examining and analyzing the “Ego” in the dynamics of the individual’s psychic relationship with his social environment, we must train our individuality in terms of social consensus, cohesion and adaptation with the people we communicate and interact with, always seeking to ensure that any confrontations are governed by civility and the required ethics. A living organism that can inspire us about the relationship between “Ego” and “We” is the Universe itself.
The unity of cosmic space and the way the planetary and galactic systems are adjacent and behave, proves a relationship of “Celestial coexistence” which establishes with functional perfection and the best example of Affection and Love of the living elements of nature in the context of human critique.
At the level of survival, the “Ego” in which the individual soul resides is immortal. After the loss of life of our body, our “Ego” continues its course, in metaphysical terms, carrying the mortgages of its individual act from the present life to the life to come. The final destination of the “I” is its union with the Divine Entity, from which it came and to which it tends.
Το «Υπερεγώ» αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο μέρος του «Εγώ» με την διαφορά ότι, ενώ το «Εγώ» διαχειρίζεται τις ανθρώπινες αισθήσεις στον φυσικό κόσμο και σε ολόκληρη τη διάρκεια της σωματικής ζωής, το «Υπερεγώ» δρα ολοτελώς, στην επόμενη ζωή, κληρονομώντας την περιουσία των 5 αισθήσεων της προηγούμενης ζωής, με όρους «συνύπαρξης με το Εγώ» μέχρι το όριο της πλήρους κατάλυσής του, για την ανάδειξή του σε νέα Μορφή ενός Θείου Συνόλου.
Ο δείκτης ηθικής κατάπτωσης του ατομικού «Εγώ» καθορίζει τον τρόπο ζωής της μελλοντικής του δραστηριότητας με το «Υπερεγώ». Αν ο άνθρωπος απωλέσει τον ηθικό του προσανατολισμό στο πέρασμα της γήινης ζωής του και ταυτισθεί με πράξεις και πνεύματα δαιμόνων, θα χρεωθεί τον οδυνηρό καταποντισμό του στον Άλλο Κόσμο, με σειρά ανοδικών και καθοδικών καταστάσεων, όπου οι Νόμοι της Κοσμικής Δικαιοσύνης, της Τάξης και της Συμμετρίας θα τον αποσπούν από την ενωτική ιδιότητα του «Υπερεγώ» του, ως την στιγμή της πλήρους απολύτρωσης που θα σημάνει την ένωση του «Εγώ και του Υπερεγώ» με το Θείον. Πρέπει να γίνει αυτονόητο ότι η Πνευματική Αιωνιότητα λειτουργεί με άλλους τρόπους και άλλα χρονικά μέτρα, από αυτά που αντιλαμβανόμαστε στην Γη που γεννιόμαστε και βιώνουμε.
Όμως, ο Νόμος των προοδευτικών αναλογιών στα ανιόντα βασίλεια του ουράνιου κόσμου μας επιτρέπει να κατανοήσουμε πως όταν το «Εγώ» με την αδελφή συμμετοχή του «Υπερεγώ» προσεγγίσει την Ανώτατη βαθμίδα της πνευματικής του ολοκλήρωσης, χωρίς καμμία πλέον, δυνατότητα επιστροφής στην προηγούμενη ζωή του θα ενωθεί με την εν δυνάμει συμμετοχή του Υπερεγώ με την Συμπαντική ψυχή του Ύπερθεν Κόσμου που αποτελεί και το Αιώνιο Αρχέτυπο του Παντός.
The “Superego” is neither a symbol, nor a copy, οnor a simulacrum of the human senses. The “Superego” is an all-clear, crystal Essence of the Divine Spirit, and only as a complete, all-perfect, and complete Essence does it act in the world beyond. Some observers ask why the “Ego” is not allowed to perform the duties of the “Superego” without union with it.
The answer is self-contained: The “Ego” belongs to the earthly. The “Superego” belongs to the heavenly! The “Superego” is part of the unintelligible Essence of the Immanent, the Unified, which, when required to compose and organize the physical world, fragments, divides and distributes the “Ego” to the individuals of societies, in every physical time, in every age. The “Superego” defined as the “Celestial Being” is “potentially” composed of Ether! The “Superego” has the ability to maintain in the “Ego” the consciousness of the “I Am” and the “I Exist” so that, as a result, the individual experiences the continuity of Eternal Life, in his new etheric environment.
The question arises, whether the “Ego” inherits the benefits of the sensations it had in the physical world and transfers them to the actions of the ” Superego “. The answer is “yes” in the sense that the senses of earthly life in the heavenly world do not function in a limiting way, but with a new possibility of super-sense that only the living perception of heavenly life can explain.
In the face of these super-senses, the nature of the spiritual world stands up, which, in turn, equates itself with the nature of the material world. But this extension, this equation, is impossible to be grasped and described by the observer of the Earth. On the level of mathematical summation, material man with his “Ego” and his “Superego” and material nature with its heavenly origin are at the same time within the same “Spiritual Total” in the One of the Earth and the World, where All and Together are in union with the Immovable, the Eternal, the same God-Creator!