Σωματείο Όλυμπος



Waste management

Modern waste management involves the proper management and disposal of different types of waste, including household waste, industrial waste and hazardous waste. There are various methods used to dispose of waste, such as landfilling, incineration, recycling and composting.

Landfills are sites designed to landfill waste in a controlled manner. They are lined with materials to prevent waste leaking into the environment and are usually covered with soil when full. Incineration involves the controlled burning of waste at high temperatures to reduce the volume of waste and eliminate any harmful substances. Recycling involves the reprocessing of waste to create new products, while composting involves the decomposition of organic waste into a nutrient-rich soil amendment.

In addition to these methods, there are also efforts to reduce waste through source reduction and waste reduction programmes. These programs encourage individuals and businesses to reduce the amount of waste they produce by using less packaging, purchasing durable and reusable products, and properly disposing of hazardous waste.

Overall, modern waste disposal practices aim to minimise the environmental impact of waste while protecting human health and safety.

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