What is a Volunteer in HEPTAPOLIS
Volunteer in HEPTAPOLIS is the one who has realized the global goals of HEPTAPOLIS for the service of Letters, Arts, Sciences and Technology and wishes to offer his free time, from anywhere on earth, to serve these ideals, based on the specific program that will be provided by the OLYMPUS – UNIVERSAL INTELLECTUAL CENTER.
Privileges of THE HEPTAPOLIS Volunteers
Privileges of Volunteers
- The Volunteer of HEPTAPOLIS is not required to have a specific working space for his volunteer activity. The use of his or her computer and his personal or corporate e-mail are enough for the practical exercise of the demands of HEPTAPOLIS.
- The Volunteer must, after approving our request, send to the email address heptapolis@gmail.com, the following information: Full Name, Date of Birth, Occupation, Address, City, Country, e-mail address and phone number.
- As soon as he receives the electronic card of OLYMPOS ASSOCIATION: «e-HEPTAPOLIS Volunteer» with his personal code, the Volunteer will be able to enter HEPTAPOLIS online using his / her password and will be guided in all the Spiritual Centers, except for the «Great Schools of Greek Philosophy» of AVATAR-e-learning.
- The free entry to HEPTAPOLIS will last throughout the period during which the e-HEPTAPOLIS volunteer will be co-operating with OLYMPOS – Universal Intellectual Center.
- If the Volunteer himself, his wife or children wishes to study in HEPTAPOLIS AVATAR-e-learning, he / she will make the request and after receiving the answer, he will have a 20% discount on the cost of the course he / she will choose.
The Volunteer should be aware that:
- A HEPTAPOLIS volunteer may be male or female, older than 18 years of age, he must have a good knowledge of English, excellent computer skills, and must not have a criminal record for drug use, arms trade, or any other crime of the International Criminal Code against individuals or society.
- A Volunteer is not paid for his / her voluntary work and he/ she does not have a specific number of working hours a day. A Volunteer has the inherent inclination to do good to his fellow man. He does not support or exercise any kind of violence against people of any race. He has an advanced sense of teamwork in his co-operation with other volunteers of HEPTAPOLIS.
The Volunteer is entitled to:
- Work in a safe and healthy environment
- Be fully aware of the work he / she will provide
- Decide freely on the hours of voluntary work he will provide for HEPTAPOLIS.
- Seehis his offer being recognized.
- Exchange ideas, views and thoughts of culture and education with the other Volunteers of HEPTAPOLIS.
- Be able, with the participation of HEPTAPOLIS, to develop his skills and capabilities.
- Develop relations and contact in the society of HEPTAPOLIS.
The term of voluntary work starts when the Volunteer receives the electronic card with his personal code number.
The Volunteer is required to gather and classify in his computer, within a short time of the commencement of his collaboration,
the following:
- The Universities of his country.
- The High Schools, Colleges and major Technical and Technological Schools of his country.
- The media (Television, Radio, Newspapers, Culture Magazines) of his country.
- The names of the greatest personalities in the field of Letters, Science, Technology and Academic Knowledge in his country.
- The Volunteers must be able to obtain the email address of many of the above entities and forward by email the letters that HEPTAPOLIS will be sending to its delegates at some time to inform them of upcoming Conferences and other events.
- The Volunteer must be informed, through the HEPTAPOLIS website, as fully as possible, of the activities of the electronic HEPTAPOLIS and of the issues that may arise from the collaboration with the entities of the country of the Volunteer.
- The Volunteer must inform the Universities, the Great Schools, the Spiritual and Technological Institutions and Centers of his country of the ethical, humanistic and spiritual values, taught by the Ancient Greek Literature and that HEPTAPOLIS has created a unique innovation in the world, to teach the AVATAR-e-learning users through its “distance learning” programs.
- Volunteers will be distinguished members of the HEPTAPOLIS society and will, at times, be able to take part, at their request, at the World Congresses of OLYMPOS Association that will take place in different countries of the East and the West.
If you wish to be a HEPTAPOLIS’ Volunteer, please contact us at: heptapolis@gmail.com