Σωματείο Όλυμπος


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Panagiotis A. Siscos
Member of the Board

Professor of Environmental Chemistry
Professor of Environmental
Panagiotis A. Siscos is a professor of Environmental
Chemistry at the National and Kapodistrian University of
Athens. He was born in Nigrita, Greece. He is married to
Natalia Lavredidou and he has three sons.
He graduated in Chemistry from the University of
Thessaloniki in 1962 and he did his dissertation on Analytical
Chemistry in Athens University in 1973. He continued his
studies in the USA for four years.
He has taught Analytical Chemistry, Clinical Chemistry,
Environmental Chemistry and Environmental Analysis. He
has also taught Clinical Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry
and Environment Technology in post-graduate classes.
He has also taught Clinical Chemistry, Atmospheric Chemistry and Environment
Technology in post-graduate classes.
He was until his retirement head of the ofce of Environmental Analysis and his research
focused on Atmospheric Chemistry and Pollution, on the evaluation of the quality of the
air in workplaces and on the biological monitoring of xenobiotic substances.
He has supervised 15 dissertations, 30 specialization dissertations and 30 undergraduate
theses. He was a member of 30 examination committees which evaluated dissertations.
He is a contributor in many scientic journals specializing in environmental chemistry
and analysis.
He has written 4 books on the Analytical Methods of Separation, on Environmental
Chemistry and Clinical Chemistry. He has also translated 4 books on the Reliability of
Chemical Measurements, the Atmospheric Changes and the Green Chemistry. He has
published about 100 researches in international journals, has presented 90 researches in
scientic conferences and 70 studies.
Panagiotis Siscos is or has been a member of the following: Union of Greek Chemists,
American Chemistry Foundation, AmericanUnion of Analytical Chemists, Science
Academy of New York, International Union of Clean and Applied Chemistry, European
Confederate of Chemical Industry and the Union for Interiors and Built Environment.
He is a member of Greek, European and international committees on Analytical
Chemistry and Enviromental Issues. He has also been the Greek representative to the
European Union on environmental research, the Greek expert to the European
Committee on Air Quality of Interior Spaces, coordinator of the program “Air quality” of
ELOT, Greek representative to the Green Chemistry Institute of ACS, founding member of
the Mediterranean Network for Green Chemistry (MEGREC), member of EURACHEM.
He has been a counselor of the Greek Ministry of Environment, Director of the National
Center of Public Administration, Vice-president of the National Center of Environment
and Sustainable Development, President of the Management Body for the Regeneration
of river Kisos, a member of the Supreme Chemical Council and the National
Accreditation Council.
He is the General Secretary of the Union of Professors Emeriti, the Secretary of
Vafeiadakio Charity Foundation, Vice-president of the Folk Association of SerresMelenikos, member of the Board of the Association “Friends of Cristos Malevitsis” and
has been the General Secretary and Vice-president of “Parnassos” Cultural Association

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