Σωματείο Όλυμπος



The meaning of the title: Delphic Amphictyony, in our time

Delphic Amphictyony...

The conceptual interpretation of the title Delphic Amphictyony in the ancient Greek world was related to:

1. The association of representatives of various cities of the ancient Greek world for the drafting of 24 Hieromnemonimones of the Delphic Congress, who decided on the maintenance and safeguarding of the property of the Sanctuary from external dangers.

2. Dangerous were considered to be the warlike and war-mongers, those who were disrespectful to the products of the earth, the waters, the seas, the air, the animals of the underworld and the birds of the sky.

3. Those who did not respect the cessation of hostilities and the truce of the Olympic Games were considered dangerous. The Amphictyons called, in the form of contests, the strongest for the emergence of the winners with a prize, not monetary, but a branch of wild olive tree.

The words: “Delphic Amphictyony”, in the mouth of the ancient Greeks became sacred for more than 1500 years and were a hymn to the fraternity of peoples, to the prestigious competition of the strong and the meritorious, to the collective support of Nature, the Environment, the products of the Earth, the spiritual legacies of the peoples, the enforcement of the Good and the Good.

Running time:  01:39 min.


The concept of the institution of the Delphic Amphictyony in the quadrennial Olympic Games is the highest honor to the eternal Values that gave birth to the spirit of classical Greece.

... "Earth and Space"

The protection of the Earth, the Seas, the Air, the Ecosystem extends to our entire solar system which cooperates with the Earth in maintaining Cosmic Harmony.

The modern Amphictyοns who will be invited to participate in the collective convergence of Scientists, Wise Men and Entrepreneurs in the organization and operation of the “Delphic Earth-Space Amphictyony” will be at the same time the people who worked to save the Ecosystem, in the salvation of human dignity and living on a Planet, warmed by the sun at its most perfect temperature offering, protected by endless natural laws, adorned by beings full of movement and life.

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