The Penetrative Meaning of the Golden Section
and the Golden Number in Heptapolis
• Ἐν ἀρχῇ ᾖν ὁ Ἕλλην λόγος, νῡν καί ἀεί τόν Λόγον αἰνών!
• Λόγος δέ, τό πᾶν ἐν πᾶσιν συνέστησεν.
• Ὁρατῶν τε καί ἀοράτων σύστασιν, Αἰθήρ “ἐν δυνάμει” πρῶτον ἐτέλεσεν, Κινητός γάρ καί Ἀκίνητος ἃμα.
• Ἀρχέτυπον Κινήσεως, Φύσεως κόσμος, ἐν Ἀναλογίᾳ καί Συμμετρίᾳ ἲσῃ.
• Ἀκινησίας Ἀρχέτυπον, Θεῑον κόσμον ἐκόσμησεν, ζωήν αἰώνιον συνῆψας, ἂρρητον Οἶκον ψυχῶν κτησάμενος.
• Λόγος δέ, τῶν τριῶν κόσμων, Φυσικόν πρῶτον συνέστησεν, τῷ Ἀνθρώπῳ δεύτερον, τρίτον δέ τόν Θεϊκόν.
• Τῶν τριῶν κόσμων, Νόμον καί Ἀριθμόν εἰς κοινήν Οὐσίαν ἒθηκεν, ἡ δέ Οὐσία αὐτῶν, εἰς “Ἓν” ἐλογίσθη.
• Τοῦ “Ἓν” λογισμός, Νόμου τε καί Ἀριθμοῦ, Ἂνθρωπον θεῑον ἐποίησεν, σκοπῷ δέ ἀρρήτῳ τῷ Ἀνθρώπῳ ἒδοκεν, ψυχήν αἰώνιον γνῶναι.
• Ἢν δέ ὁ Νόμος Ἀναλογία καί Συμμετρία καί Ἀριθμός Χρυσός κληθήσεται, εἰς πλαίσιον δέ πασῶν τῶν Ἀξιῶν, Χρυσῆς Σπεῖρας Ἓλικαν συνέταξεν, ἡ δ’ Ἓλιξ Χρυσήν Τομήν συνῆψεν.
• Εἰ Ἂνθρωπος θέλῃς κληθῆναι, πρῶτον “Πόλιν Χρυσῆς Τομῆς” γνῶναι. Ἀπό ἀφέσεως μέχρι κέντρου τῆς Ἓλικος, ἐν εἰρήνη πορεύου, γνῶσιν λαμβάνων, θειότητος Λόγον κοινωνῶν, κόσμον ψυχῶν ἐπισκεπτόμενος, ἐπί τῷ “Ἓν” καί τό Πᾶν, φῶς αἰώνιον κληρονομῶν!
• Εἰ, ταῡτα, ἐν πίστει τηρούμενος τελῇς, Σπεῖραν Χρυσήν ἠκολούθη, εἰς πόλιν Χρυσῆς Τομῆς, Θεοῡ πολίτης γένου!
Ο Συγγραφεύς
Παύλος Πισσάνος
The whole Universe bows to the "Golden Number Φ"
The Golden Ratio in Heptapolis
The courtyard at the Gate of Heptapolis
The Tholos in the center of Heptapolis
The seven circles of Pythagoras in Heptapolis
Building with the Golden Parallelogram standards.
The Gate of Light of HEPTAPOLIS.
Athena, Apollo and the eagles of Zeus, in Golden Parallelogram standards.
The gardens – Built on Golden Parallelograms Standards, at the entrance of HEPTAPOLIS..
Marble PETRA on the walls of HEPTAPOLIS, at the base of the Golden Ratio.
In private Universities, floor plans and ceilings will be structured based on the Golden Parallelogram.
In Heptapolis we observe the application of the Golden Section Principle in the following structures:
The relation of a line defining the diameter of Heptapolis, with a total length of 1.618 meters (1,618) and comparing the center of the Dome and the periphery of Kyttaros with the periphery of Kyttaros and the library “Alexander the Great” (Reffering the Edge of the City with the Middle).
The length – width ratio τof the 13 Golden Rectangles, on the inner periphery of the library “Alexander the Great”. This length-width relationship is not only observed in the sinking of the underground spaces where the building complexes are built, but also in the length-width of the complexes themselves, within the Golden Parallelograms Standards.
On the front of the Gate of Light, where the length and width of the base of the entrance, the length and width of the roof of the Gate, the length and width of the vertical front of the Gate and the length and width of the rear front of the Gate, are all built based on the Golden Section Principle, in the application of Golden Parallelograms Standards.
The entire elevated plateau of the Gate of Light, in the courtyard outside the walls, is a Golden Parallelogram. The base on which the marble complex “Greece crowns Alexander” is supported is built on Golden Parallelogram principles, while the relationship between the statues of Greece and Alexander is built on the principle of the Golden Ratio.
The marble pedestals on which the statues of Athena and Apollo rest, at the entrance of the Gate of Light, are of Fibonacci Sequence standards in successive “Golden” Parallelograms.
The base, on the floor of the Gate of Light, where the two eagles of Zeus meet, in front of the rock representing the navel of the Earth and the lit tripod with the eternal light of Knowledge in the middle of the eagles, is built on Golden Parallelogram standards.
The gardens in the courtyard of the Central Gate of Heptapolis are all designed in Golden Parallelograms standards. The support base of the peristyle of the Academy of Nations building on the Acropolis of Heptapolis, as well as the boundaries of the building itself, were designed using the Golden Parallelogram standard.
The main hall of the United Nations, inside the Acropolis, is built on Golden Parallelogram standards, while the levels of the hall are structured with the Fibonacci Sequence standards.
The marble PETRES and PLAKES of the Heptapolis Sponsors, with which the walls and floors of Heptapolis will be lined, will consist of Golden Parallelogram standards.
At the point where the logarithmic spiral in each PETRA and in each PLAKA, will close in a center called by science, called the “eye of God”, will be placed the full name of the Sponsor and his code number.
In private Universities, the floor plans and ceilings will be built on the basis of the Golden Parallelogram. It should be noted that the entire “Heptapolis” as well as the cities of the ” Φ City” and the “Delphic Amphictyony” are structured in their details according to the rules of the Golden Number, Golden Proportion and Symmetry.