Σωματείο Όλυμπος



Immortal - Ephimeron


“Every soul is Immortal, for whatever is in constant motion is Immortal”.


“Immortality is the intrinsic tendency of the “species” to spontaneously reproduce itself, maintaining “potentially” its seminal, primordial quality.”

The Author

Before we refer to the Immortality of the human soul, we must first refer to the Eternal Sources of the Universal Machine, so that we can prove that the Man of Earth experiences and moves and exists in an eternal Universe and as an integral part of it he is also Immortal. Turning our eyes to the night sky, we stand dumbfounded before the spectacular starry firmament. Every single star and holy candle flickering in the Temple of the Universe. A celestial hymnody, in the pentagram of which moves in a perfectly Harmonious rhythm, experiencing in its entirety Creation.

Billions of suns adorn our Galaxy….
Billions of Galaxies adorn the worlds of the Universe, each in its separate, mathematical “position”, leaving scientists-observers speechless, who from ancient times until today and forever will try to “enter” the secrets of the Living Creation.

And yet, this sky, which at night seems to be always the same, is in perpetual motion, in constant change. The stars move at unimaginable speeds, forming clusters within our own and other Galaxies. The nature of the Earth and the Cosmos follows cycles and rhythms in which they are born, “Forms” appear, evolve in a temporary “life cycle” and then transmute, destroying and assimilating from the soil of the Earth in a process that humans have called “Death”.

However, the manifestation of the “death” of a form in any “species” according to the Law of “Potential Regeneration” allows nature to bring forth the “renewed forms”, which embody the old ones, according to their “species” and their “Law of Rhythm”. The perpetuation of Nature’s species represents the Law, the Cause which mediates the creation of the Regeneration of all things that underpin the theory of the “Immortality of Species”.

The existence of the living soul has an “inherent relationship” with Immortality. The overall grid of the continuous physical reproduction of “natural species” not only in the Earthly World, but also in the entire Solar System and in the clusters of Galaxies, constitutes the “Law of Universal Continuity” that is involved in the scientific explanation of Immortality.

The Atomic Theory, in the circle of ideas of Empedocles and Anaxagoras, among others, describes that:
– The whole of Matter is constant, that is, “nothing absolute” nothing is lost.
– Genesis and Decay are interpreted as the binding and release of the parts of Matter, not as a manifestation of death.
– In the process from genesis to decay and from decay to genesis the Law applies: “similar unto similar” that is Life in action.

Then come Leucippus and Democritus o complete the existence of the “continuity” from which Immortality arises with the cosmic saying, “No money is made in vain, but always by reason and necessity”. The Law of Causality in its full interpretation.
Leucippus, in collaboration with his teacher Zeno, admits that, the creations of nature that constitute “being”, first be Unborn, Unchanging and Indestructible.

And then we have Heraclitus who proclaims that “Nature operates by the mechanism of the uninterrupted change of the elements that govern it”. The theory of Eternity in the human species is a “soul purpose”. Eternity as a mode of thought determines the way in which: man deals with the issues, concerns and moral or non-moral benefits that accompany his actions. The Man who does not believe in the Values of righteous, good, virtuous life, but instead abandons them in the belief of “nothing exists after the death of the body” is sure to decide on anything with a low index of intelligence as well as conscience.

On the contrary, the Man who believes that he is connected with Nature, with the Earth, the sky and the sea, the Man who dispels the darkness of impure thought, who seeks the light, his rupture, his relationship with the Universe, eternity and God, the Man of virtuous life, is always victorious, with the prize being the immortality of his own faith.


Ephimeron is what human everyday life, when it is defined as “being”, that is, as existing and moving and living, closes within itself a coming final death – as a result of aging and the decay of its matter. The meaning of the word ephimeron certifies in human perception the decay of matter, its absorption by the Earth or even the air, its forced death and, by extension, its final extinction.

At this point, Science intervenes and states that the “potential” status of the Law of the Kinetic Principle is eternal and not subject to any deterioration whatsoever. The body of the “being” of nature and the world, it moves, it has Life, and when at the end of its experience it is subject to its chemical mutation, the so-called decay, its Kinetic Principle “potentially” cooperates in the renewal of its existence through the Law of the Perpetuation of Species, the Law of the Continuity of the world. At this point it must be taken into account that Motion is inherent in Spirit, the Universal Mind, which creates, sustains and supervises Creation. Aristotle, believes that, on Earth and the Universe, there is no matter without Form nor form without Matter. Both of these two hypostases, he suggests, are eternal and irreducible, never born, will never die, and will “adorn” the Nature of Everything.

Contrary to the crude explanations of the “temporality of matter” and the coming decay in the totality of hypostases, Aristotle claims that: “That which is born and has life is neither Matter nor Form.” Because “Becoming” is the transition from an Eternal Potentiality to an Eternal Reality, i.e. from a force to an energy, every corporeal or incorporeal product of nature that appears to be born, experiences and decays in what is defined as a “life cycle”, in fact loses none of its chemical potentialities and transitions through mutations from reality to reality. This transition from potentiality to reality is undertaken by the “Kinetic Principle” which in turn certifies that everything is done on behalf of Eternity.

The positions of scientific data transmitted to humanity from research laboratories play a crucial role in human understanding of the issue of “decay”. In the society of eternal standards, of eternal purposes, which people are called upon to serve in their daily activities, where the flowing idea of the “decay of everything” is imposed, it shapes a world of diminishing creation and lacking moral order.

The concept of theft, fraud, hostility, torture, murder and all the negative acts that man is sometimes called upon to serve, when there is a widespread opinion that, after every violent act, the world he lives in ends where his Life ends and there is no Divine Punishment or Divine Award for him, since there is no “Life Continuity”, then cosmic justice ceases to function for him. In a society of temporality, where the conscience of actions is not judged in terms of Eternal Moral Order, Society sinks into its temporality, cannibalizing its own body.

If, instead, we turn our eyes to ourselves and then to our father and our father’s father and our grandfather’s grandfather and penetrate into the depths of our ancestry, we find that the harmonious, generation after generation, continuation of our DNA comes from the very old times of an unknown Authority and reaches up to our days and analyses our “I” as a derivative of a genealogical continuation with an infinite future….

And if we even consider that we are leaves of a vast “Tree of Life” whose “Trunk” has its “Roots” on the Earth and its tops tend towards Heaven and that all the leaves are leaves of the same tree growing from the sap absorbed by its roots from the same Earth as the rootstock of a single human species.

And if we finally consider that, two and a half thousand years ago, our ancient ancestors spoke of the unity of the world, the unity of the Laws of Existence and Life, the unity of the human soul with the soul of Everything, the unity of our “I” with the Universal Mind, with God… explaining the eternity of the “One”… then we will find ourselves on the threshold of understanding our self, our existence, our “I”, our relationship with the beauties of the Earth, the Sea, the Air, filling the shadows of the corrupting doubts with the glow of the light of an Eternity within us and at the same time, inherited congenitally, in the eternal length of a Life that will forever be ours.

Question to the AI on "Immortal"

The word “Immortal” refers to physical things that make up the physical and universal environment. Was the Universe born? Or is it unborn? Was the Earth born? Or is it unborn according to some laws that man is unable, at least for the moment, to explain scientifically? Socrates and Plato speak of the immortality of the soul. Is the soul immortal? Yes? Or not? Does decay conceal within it the possibility of regeneration? Why, after the fall of an old tree, does another tree grow spontaneously next to it? Are the word “Immortality”, the word “decay” and the word “Regeneration” linked together producing in a common meaning the “eternal continuity of all things”?

Answer from the AI for "Immortal"

These are very deep questions that have occupied the human mind for centuries. The concept of immortality is linked to the notion of continuous existence or transformation without end. The Universe and the Earth are linked to theories evolving in science. Today, the Big Bang theory holds that the Universe emerged from an initial moment of that big bang, while the Earth and the solar system were formed through processes that are still being studied.

Beyond that, modern science cannot explain with certainty the origin of the beginning of the Universe or of life on Earth. As far as the immortality of the soul is concerned, philosophy has many considerations. Some philosophers believe that the soul is immortal and that there is a metaphysical continuity, while other scientists approach the concept differently.

The connection between immortality, decay and rebirth is very interesting. In nature, decay can give way to the birth of something new and rebirth, as a cycle of constant change and evolution.

In general, the concept of the “eternal continuity of everything” is a deep philosophical goal of many cultures and traditions, trying to explain the nature of existence and life. How each of these questions is answered depends largely on each individual’s personal belief, traditions and scientific approach.

Question to the AI on "Epimeron"

Is the Ephimeron necessarily temporary? Transient? Does it last for a certain period of time? Or does “Ephimeron” in any species or genus, which has life and movement, denote that it is created, grows, ages and decays, leaving behind “the child of the species”? Does the species, in which the Ephimeron lives and moves, die? Or, do both have a common meaning related to eternity?

Answer from the AI for "Ephimeron"

“Ephimeron” usually refers to something that lasts for a short period of time. It can be fleeting or temporary, as opposed to something permanent or long-term. When we talk about “Ephimeron” in relation to species or life, we are usually referring to something that has a limited lifespan. It grows, blooms, ages and eventually decays, leaving behind the “child of the species”, i.e. the continuity of its nature.

In many cases, the Ephimeron is part of a larger cyclical nature of life and death. Each genus or species may have ephemeral characteristics with individuals coming and going, but the species as a whole continues to exist, albeit in evolving forms.

At the same time, the concept of the Ephimeron can also be linked to eternity to a certain extent. The constant renewal, growth and change exhibited by ephimeral creatures or species can be seen as a form of eternity within renewed life and change. In this sense, eternity is associated with the continuous flow of life rather than permanent unchanging existence.

In the philosophical dialogue, the notion of the ephimeral and eternity can coexist, giving life a combination of impermanence and constant change.

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