symbolize the entrance
of the Polis

of the "Shell of The Universe"
Section Polis
Explore Heptapolis Trilogy
The Vision of Delphi “HEPTAPOLIS TRILOGY ” will be a Global Standard Ecological-Geometric City.
It will be built on horizontal planes, designated by three concentric, circles with radii of unequal length.

Paul Pissanos
Ready to Fund
the vision of Delphi
"Heptapolis Trilogy"?
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We’re trusted by more than 40 countries

Why fund Heptapolis
The Biggest Business Brands
The integrated investment programm has convinced us that being part of a partnership involving the biggest business brands from all over the world will happen in a very short time.
Enjoy a better world
We endorse it because the ideological content of the "Delphi Vision" leads us to the conclusion that the moral dimension of this programme fills a huge gap caused by the existing problems with which humanity is confronted. We fully believe that, in the near future, Heptapolis will contribute to our children and our children's children having the opportunity to enjoy a better world.
Stoes and Houses
Explore Heptapolis
Loved our vision
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The core of the vision
Paul Pissanos
Michael-Thales Poulantzas
Dimitrios Angelopoulos
George Politis
Panagiotis A. Siscos
Dr Evangelia Daniil
Dimitrios K. Bakas
Silia (Vasiliki) Nikolaidou
Dr Stanley Sfekas
Paraschos Karavatakis
Ioannis P. Vlazakis
Evangelos Caliosis
Tonis Breidel Hadjidemetriou
Ser Peter Birkett
Evangelos Moutsopoulos
Sir Basil Markesinis
Courses in astrophysics,
and space law...
knowledge about
and adaptation
to the future space travels