Core (Nucleus) - Tholos (Dome)
Pyrin (Nucleus) is located in the center of Kyttaros and the whole “HEPTAPOLIS”.
Inside the Nucleus there will be the THOLOS (Dome), in the structural shape of a sphere, half above and half below the horizontal plane of the Nucleus.
Externally, the THOLOS (Dome) will be surrounded by a 24-column peristyle.
On top of the septum will be a depiction representing scenes of man’s struggles to learn the secrets of the Universe through Science.
Internally the Tholos (Dome) will include a huge electronic panorama of the GREATER WORLD, in the upper half, and the MICROWORLD, in the lower half of the sphere.
The “Inner” trainees, seated on the meridian benches inside THOLOS, in the last stage of their studies, will “enter” the space of THOLOS to be initiated into the interpretation of the “Secret Program” that determines the “Principles of Life” of Man, Nature and the Universe.
“External students” will not be able to enter the ZOSTIRA of the NUCLEUS of KYTTARON until they become “Internal”.
On the day of initiation, the students will give the “Oath of Tholos”, which will be about observing the Laws for Human Rights, Peace of Peoples and Protection of the Environment.
Thereafter, they will receive in front of the HESTIA SPHERE the honorary diploma with the Cotino embedded on the scroll of the diploma.
The "Tholos" at the center of Kyttaron
The “Tholos” - The Deanery - The Deans
The Dean’s Office will be housed in the circular calligraphic STORE OF THE MUSES, inside the large ring of the CITY, around the outer perimeter of the THOLOS. The building will include Meeting Rooms, Dean’s Rooms, Senators’ Rooms, Dining Rooms, Refreshment Rooms, Library, Cinema Hall and Gymnasium.
Of the NINE SCHOOLS in KYTRAROS, 7 are located in the centre of KYTTAROS, one in the OBSERVATORY and one in the PLANETARIUM. The Dean monitors, controls and ensures the smooth operation of all special classes housed in the SCHOOL building, with students, teachers, the application of the curriculum and the progress of the students.
The PRINCIPAL is considered one of the professors of the School, who is also a member of the Senate of the teachers of all the Schools of “HEPTAPOLIS”. The Rector is appointed by the majority of the CONGRESSORS and his status as Dean is for a period of 4 years.
The Council of Nine is made up of the nine Deans, who govern the entire Kyttaros region, including Tholos. The Council of Nine shall have a chairman, vice-chairman, secretary and six members.
The COUNCIL OF NINE shall be under the authority of the Council of Nine Rectors, who shall be elected every four years. The presidency of the COLLECTOR OF TEACHERS, which will be elective and competent, will introduce proposals, on any matter concerning “HEPTAPOLIS”, to the Council of Nine.
In the event a motion of censure concerning a member of the Council of Nine is assigned, the motion must be voted on by more than four members, out of the nine members of the Deans’ Council, in order to be brought up for discussion, including necessarily the vote of the President.